The Ketogenic Diet

etogenic diet is a high fat, moderate protein and low to no carbs in the diet. Ketogenic diet is very close to the Atkins Diet. What makes it different from the regular diet is that we replace maximum carbs in your diet with fat. When this drastic reduction of carbs takes place, your body goes into metabolic state called Ketosis.


Ketosis is a state where there are increased numbers of ketones in your body. Body utilises these ketones as source of energy. So fats are continuously broken down into ketones and ketones are used for energy. So body burns fat for energy. It also lowers blood sugar and insulin levels.

Ketogenic diet followed with supervision of an expertise gives amazing results. There are different ways in which Ketogenic diet is been practised.

  1. Standard Ketogenic Diet: This diet comprises of 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs. So very low-carb, moderate protein and high fat.
  2. Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: This diet comprises of the same composition as in Standard Ketogenic diet but it involves periods of higher-carb refeeds. So 5 days of Ketogenic Diet and 2 days of high- carb days.
  3. Targeted Ketogenic Diet: Again the diet composition is of standard ketogenic diet but it allows you to add high carb around your workouts.
  4. High Protein Ketogenic Diet: Additional to Standard Ketogenic diet, this diet includes more of protein. So the ratio here changes, 60% Fat, 35% proteins and 5% carbs.

If you have to choose any one of these, only standard and high protein ketogenic diets have documented results which can be practised by any individual. Cyclical or targeted diets are highly advanced methods and extensively used by body builders and athletes.

It is utmost important to track your meals. Each and every meal should be comprised as per the composition of Standard Ketogenic Diet. So carb intake cannot be here and there. It has to be as per the formulation.

Foods to Eat when you are on Keto Diet

Majorly your meals should revolve around these foods

  1. Eggs
  2. Nuts and seeds
  3. Butter and Cream
  4. Cheese
  5. Health Oils, extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil.
  6. Avocados
  7. Fatty fish
  8. Meat
  9. Condiments, herbs and spices can be used
  10. Low Carb Vegetables, green veggies, tomatoes, onions, peppers, etc.

Foods to avoid when you are on a Keto Diet

Food high in carbs has to be strictly excluded from diet. Here are some foods which are big no during your keto diet.

  1. Unhealthy Fats
  2. Low fat and diet products are highly processed and have more carbs.
  3. Fruits, except for small berries.
  4. Sugary Foods
  5. Grain and starches
  6. Beans and legumes
  7. Roots and tubers
  8. Refined and packed foods

Keto is a not everyone’s cup of tea and may not be good for everyone. It is great for people who are on a weight management program, who have fluctuating sugars or may be who are working on improving their metabolic health. It is not suitable for the athletes who want to add on those additional muscle mass or weight. It will give you better result if you stick to this diet for a longer term. So it is always advisable to practice Keto diet only under supervision of a Nutritionist.

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